Japan Diaries 4: Weekend 58

Weekend 58: December 10 – 11, 2022

Day 404: December 10, 2022

Saturday – Rumoi

Baked Spaghetti for breakfast
Baked Spaghetti for breakfast

Today is a beautiful clear morning. We started the day with delicious baked spaghetti for breakfast. 

Ella trying on my ski. I'm surprised that it fit her well.
Ella trying on my ski. I'm surprised that it fits her well.

After that, Ella and I went out to the front yard to get used to using the ski. It was Ella’s first ski experience.

Rumoi City Library
Rumoi City Library

Team Nicerio revisits Rumoi City Library for the Nth time this year
Team Nicerio revisits Rumoi City Library for the Nth time this year

That afternoon, we went to Rumoi City Library to study Japanese. I also used this opportunity to update my blog. We stayed in the library for more than 3 hours.

Grocery time at COOP
Grocery time at COOP

KitKat Strawberry Gateau Chocolate
KitKat Strawberry Gateau Chocolate

We completed the stickers at Daiso and got this stuffed toy
We completed the stickers at Daiso and got this stuffed toy

Before heading back home, we went to COOP to buy groceries. I bought the new KitKat Strawberry Gateau Chocolate for my collection. We also completed the Daiso sticker card allowing us to buy our 2nd Peter Rabbit stuff toy. Ella chose Benjamin Rabbit this time.

Day 405: December 11, 2022

Sunday – Funaba English Kitchen & Hokuryu Onsen

It’s another beautiful day here in Rumoi City. I volunteered to help with the Funaba English Kitchen today. My family and I drove to the Rumoi Roadside Station to attend it. Since it’s an ALT volunteer activity, my wife brought my daughter to Chairumo instead.

First stop of the day - Rumoi Roadside Station
First stop of the day - Rumoi Roadside Station

My wife and daughter stayed in Chairumo while I helped at the Funaba English Kitchen

The other Rumoi City ALTs were both present for the activity and the three of us helped manage the activities until 12:30 PM.

Off to Hokuryu via the Fukagawa - Rumoi Expressway
Off to Hokuryu via the Fukagawa - Rumoi Expressway

Route 233 to Hokuryu
Route 233 to the town of Hokuryu

Hokuryu Roadside Station
Hokuryu Roadside Station

Finally, we tried the onsen of the Sunflower Park Hokuryu Hot Spring
Finally, we tried the onsen of the Sunflower Park Hokuryu Hot Spring

Following the activities, my family and I headed to Hokuryu to experience the onsen at 
Sunflower Park Hokuryu Hot Spring, which is attached to the Hokuryu Roadside Station. We were fortunate in that we only paid half the amount because the facility was running a promotion called Nice Hot Water Day. Adults pay only 250 yen, while children pay 100 yen. We had never tried this onsen before, although we had been to Hokuryu Roadside Station three times before.

Himawari soft cream / sunflower seed soft cream
Himawari soft cream/sunflower seed soft cream

After the rejuvenating bath, we relaxed for a while in the facility's tatami area. We also had the well-known Himawari soft cream, which cost 250 yen. It was surprisingly good. The soft cream contains sunflower seeds, which give it a distinct flavor.

Driving back to Rumoi via the Fukagawa - Rumoi Expressway

Driving back to Rumoi via the Fukagawa - Rumoi Expressway

Driving back to Rumoi via the Fukagawa - Rumoi Expressway

Driving back to Rumoi via the Fukagawa - Rumoi Expressway

We left Sunflower Park Hokuryu Hotspring at around 3 PM as sundown is expected to be around 3:45 today. We didn’t want to be on the road in the dark because it was hard for my wife to drive on the snow-covered road.

Sushi for dinner
Sushi for dinner

When we arrived at Rumoi City, we headed to COOP first to buy dinner. For today’s dinner, we bought some sushi.

Now Showing: In The Absence
Now Showing: In The Absence

Before calling it a day, we watched the 2018 documentary In The Absence which was about the tragic sinking of the South Korean ferry Sewol.

Overall, it was another fulfilling weekend for us. We were able to try new things this week. We are looking forward to next school week.

Read more:

Japan Diaries 4: Week 58


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