Shingonji - Hokkaido
Shingonji ( 真言寺 ) is temple #27 on the Hokkaido 33 Kannon Pilgrimage , located at 5-11-21 Central, Wakkanai City, Hokkaido Prefecture. Shingonji ( 真言寺 ) Shingonji details ( WINTER ) Shingonji was established in Taisho 7 (1918). It was formerly the Wakkanai branch of the Daishikyo Church under Toyama Kaisou Ito Satoshi . Shingonji - Wakkanai City, Hokkaido Prefecture It was bought by Eio Koni in 1954 and was renamed Shingonji , making it the northernmost Daishi Shingonji. It is also said that this temple was where the name Wakkanai was born. Presently, Nyoirin Kanzeon Bosatsu is enshrined in the temple. Welcome to Shingonji Shingonji is temple #27 of the Hokkaido 33 Kannon Pilgrimage I got to visit Shingonji for the first time last March 21, 2022 . It was my 140th day in Japan as an ALT under the JET Programme . It was winter season when I visited so naturally the hill behind the temple was covered with snow. This made the vermilion color of the temple stand out adding beauty t