10 Things to Do in Kurashiki City

10 Things to Do in Kurashiki City
10 Things to Do in Kurashiki City

Kurashiki (倉敷市) is a city in the Okayama Prefecture, Japan. Kurashiki City was founded in 1928 during the early Showa period. It became a core city (中核市) in 2002. The kanji used for its name kura () means storehouse and shiki () means floor. 

For those planning to visit the city to check what it has to offer, here are the 10 Things to Do in Kurashiki City:

Kurashiki City manhole covers
Kurashiki City manhole covers

1. Take a picture of the manhole covers of Kurashiki City. So far, I have seen 4 unique manhole covers. It is common around the city. I have seen them all in the Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter.  

Kurashiki Pokemon manhole covers
Kurashiki Pokemon manhole covers

2. Take a picture of the Kurashiki Pokemon manhole covers. There are 3 of them are installed in different parts of the Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter. While the 4th featuring Lucario is installed near Washuzan 2nd Observation Deck.

Momotaro’s Karakuri Museum (桃太郎のからくり博物館)
Momotaro’s Karakuri Museum

3. Check out the Momotaro’s Karakuri Museum (桃太郎のからくり博物館) and see cute and interesting displays about the Japanese folklore Momotaro (桃太郎) or Peach Boy. 

Shimotsui Shipping Agent Museum (むかし下津井回船問屋)
Shimotsui Shipping Agent Museum

4. Learn about the rich history of Kojima at Shimotsui Shipping Agent Museum (むかし下津井回船問屋). There are plenty of displays here which reminds me of the historic herring fishing museums of Hokkaido.

Kurashiki Denim Street (倉敷デニムストリート)
Kurashiki Denim Street

5. Shop for fashionable jeans at Kurashiki Denim Street (倉敷デニムストリート). Before leaving, don’t forget to try the blue “Denim-man” and blue soft cream. 

Kurashiki Museum of Natural History (倉敷市立自然史博物館)
Kurashiki Museum of Natural History

6.  Learn about the past by visiting the Kurashiki Museum of Natural History (倉敷市立自然史博物館). This museum has numerous natural history exhibits about plants, insects, and present-day and prehistoric animals. You will also find the Kurashiki City Pokemon manhole cover featuring Poochyena and Beautifly outside the museum.

Life Park Kurashiki Science Center (ライフパーク倉敷科学センター)
Life Park Kurashiki Science Center

7. Enjoy learning about science stuff at Life Park Kurashiki Science Center (ライフパーク倉敷科学センター). There are more than 100 exhibits in this museum and if you’re into planets or space, you will surely enjoy the planetarium shows. This is a great place to bring kids.

Achi Shrine (阿智神社)
Achi Shrine

8.  Visit the Achi Shrine (阿智神社). It’s one of the most popular shrines in Kurashiki City. It is located on top of a hill hence it is a good place to view parts of the city. You can pay your respects and offer prayers here any time of the day. Don’t forget to avail of the shrine’s goshuin if you are collecting them. Aside from that, you will also see the Kurashiki Pokemon manhole cover featuring the male and female Unfezants at the Western Approach to Achi Shrine.

Washuzan Highland (鷲羽山ハイランド)
Washuzan Highland

9. Try bungee jumping at Washuzan Highland (鷲羽山ハイランド). This vast amusement park also has a huge swimming pool and a roller coaster with an amazing view of the Shimotsuiseto Bridge. 

Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter (倉敷美観地区)
Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter 

10. Stroll around Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter (倉敷美観地区). There are a lot of preserved buildings and museums in this historical area of Kurashiki. I highly suggest the Kurashiki River Boat Tour. It allows you to experience a part of the city’s rich past. 

I hope my list of the 10 Things to Do in Kurashiki City gave you an idea and inspiration to visit this beautiful city in the Okayama Prefecture.




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