10 Things to Do in Imabari City
10 Things to Do in Imabari City Imabari ( 今治市 ) is the second largest city in Ehime Prefecture, Japan . Imabari City was established as a town in 1889 and became a city in 1920 after merging with the village of Hiyoshi. The city has several ship-building facilities along its northern and eastern coastlines. The kanji used for its name ima ( 今 ) means now and bari / chi ( 治 ) means peace or rule. For those planning to visit the city to check what it has to offer, here are the 10 Things to Do in Imabari City : Imabari City manhole covers 1. Take a picture of the manhole covers of Imabari City . So far, I have seen 2 unique manhole covers. They are common around the city. Saisai Kiteya 2. Buy fresh fruits and vegetables at Saisai Kiteya ( さいさいきて屋 ). You can also eat in the restaurant and café of this market. Taisanji 3. Visit Taisanji ( 泰山寺 ). It is temple #55 of the Shikoku Pilgrimage. Don’t forget to avail of the shrine’s goshuin if you collect them. Senyuji 4. Vi...