
Showing posts from August, 2016

Hermano Pule Shrine - Quezon

Located on a roadside outside the town of Lucban in the province of Quezon, Hermano Pule Shrine is a monument/shrine erected in remembrance of a Filipino hero that is also a son of the province. Hermano Pule Shrine Hermano Pule Shrine Details Hermano Pule  also Hermano Puli or Brother Pule in English was born on July 22, 1814, in the town of Lucban in what was still called the province of Tayabas (now Quezon). His real name was Apolinario de la Cruz. He was very religious and charismatic. Sadly, being a native during the Spanish Colonial Era would mean that being a priest was a bad choice. It was during this time that secularization was a big issue. Natives were not trusted by their Spanish counterparts hence, they were not given significant positions in any parishes. Aside from that the Filipino priests or  indios  were barred from joining any Orders making them aliens in their own vocation.  Hermano Pule Shrine - Lucban, Quezon Because of his charisma and piet...

Food trip: Pancit Habhab

Pancit Habhab is another version of the pancit which is a Filipino favorite dish. This type of pancit originated from the province of Quezon. Pancit Habhab Also called  Pancit Lucban , Pancit Habhab looks like the typical  pancit canton  when being cooked. However, Pancit Habhab uses dried flour noodles which are popularly known to the people of Quezon as  miki Lucban . Liwag Pancitan's Pancit Habhab Stir it then fry it! Pancit Habhab Ingredients Pancit Habhab , as I have observed, is cooked by stir-fry style of cooking. Other notable ingredients are quail eggs,  pork or  chicken (depending on what you prefer between the two), shredded carrots, cooking oil (of course), garlic, onion, and soy source. Others put pig's liver, shrimp, and chayote.  Her product is highly demanded. The Pancit Habhab as sold per order Here's another angle of the famed Pancit Habhab The different condiments that you can put in your Pancit Habhab An...

Secret Beach - Palawan

Located on the western side of Matinloc Island in El Nido, in the province of Palawan, Secret Beach is one of the highlights of Tour C of the El Nido Island Hopping Tours.  Secret Beach Secret Beach Details Although not that secret anymore due to the fact that it is one of the most famous destinations in El Nido, one without knowledge of its entrance is still sure to miss it. Speaking of its entrance, your boatman would point to you a small hole in the craggy rock wall of the island. For safety purposes, borrow the boat's floater to swim through it. If your boat has a kayak, you could maneuver it so that it would fit in the hole. However, for me, it is pointless to bring a kayak inside the Secret Beach due to the fact that once inside, the water is much shallower and there is little space to kayak around. Secret Beach - El Nido, Palawan The pool inside Secret Beach Careful bro! That rock is sharp! The entrance is somewhere there! Secret Beach as its name sugge...

Sirena ng Atimonan - Quezon

Located along the Pan-Philippine Highway a few kilometers outside the town proper of Atimonan in the province of Quezon, the Sirena is a mermaid statue that is probably one of the most famous landmarks of the province. The statue is called by some the Sirena ng Atimonan , while others call it Sirena ng Quezon but to most, it is referred to only as of the Sirena . Sirena ng Atimonan Sirena ng Atimonan Details Sitting on top of a huge boulder on the side of the Pan-Philippine Highway, the Sirena seems to be locked in an eternal gaze searching among the passing motorists the man that would hopefully release her from her current petrified state. Sirena ng Atimonan - Atimonan, Quezon Can you spot the mermaid? Being partly Atimonanin (thanks to my mom's bloodline), I spent most of my summer vacations visiting my cousins living in the said province. Because Atimonan is a coastal town, the beach was always our favorite destination. It was on one of those trips that I first ...

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