Concepcion Church - Tarlac

Located in the town of Concepcion in the province of Tarlac, Concepcion Church is one of the Spanish-era churches of the province. Concepcion Church - Immaculate Conception Parish Concepcion Church History Concepcion Church is also referred to as the following; Immaculate Conception Parish Church , Santuario de la Immaculada Concepcion , and Shrine of the Immaculate Conception . Concepcion Church - Concepcion, Tarlac Gotta love the brick finished Concepcion Church facade Concepcion Church bell tower Concepcion Church interior Concepcion Church was built in 1880 under the supervision of Father Guillermo Masnou. The original church has a Baroque style of architecture but was then renovated to its present Neo-Romanesque style in 1893 under the supervision of Father Fernando Vasquez. The altar is covered altar during Holy Week The holy water font of Concepcion Church Concepcion Church interior as seen from the altar Concepcio...