Keifuku Randen Tram - Kyoto

Located in Kyoto City in Kyoto Prefecture, Keifuku Randen Tram is a historic tram line that is considered the last tram line in the prefecture. Keifuku Randen Tram Keifuku Randen Tram History Originally owned and operated by Arashiyama Electric Tram Railway , the single track 7.2-kilometer Randen Tram line opened in 1910. This tram line connected Kyoto City center (Shijo-Omiya Station) to the Arashiyama area. The tram line was then acquired by the Kyoto Electric Light Company in 1918. the company then improved the line by double-tracking its track from 1925 until 1928 completing what is currently known as the Arashiyama Line. Here comes our Randen! Are you ready to board the Randen? Heading to Arashiyama Station ! Passed by a parked Randen tram Right on track! Arashiyama Station of the Keifuku Randen Tram line Here are places to visit near the tram stations. Keep this in mind! In 1925, Kyoto Electric Light Company opened the Kitano Line. ...