A Letter to 2024

It’s a leap year this year so thank you for the 366 days that we've shared. It was a memorable one. Like last year, numerous blessings and travel opportunities came into my life. Let's look back and see what milestones we've crossed and achieved this year. 1. This year, there were 369 published articles (That's 187 more articles than last year 😄😄). 2. I have reached 4 million views (That's 420K new views this year). 3. I got my contract renewed as an ALT under the JET Programme. I’m officially in my 4th year as an ALT. 4. My Japan Residence Card, along with my family’s, has been renewed for another three years. I see this as a clear sign that Japan is truly where my family and I belong. 5. My family and I finally got to fly back to the Philippines during summer vacation to have Kai baptized and also spend quality time with my family and my in-laws in Mindanao. It was such a memorable time. Congratulations Kanon and Sora! 6. Two students I trained from Rumoi Hi...