Japan Diaries 4: Week 51

Japan Diaries 4: Week 51

Week 51: October 17-21, 2022

Day 350: October 17, 2022

Monday - Rumoi

It's the start of another week here in Rumoi City. I arrived in Japan on October 17, 2021, which makes today the anniversary of my arrival here in Japan. Still, I don't count my two-week quarantine period in my days as an ALT in Rumoi City so there wouldn't be any special events until November 1. 

Rumoi High School 10.17.2022
Rumoi High School 10.17.2022

Today, I'm back at Rumoi High School. I'm pretty excited because Matsuda-sensei and I will use the student-paced online activity that I crafted for him last week.

Here's my workload for today:

A class with Matsuda-sensei

A trip to the Philippines worksheet

1st period - Genetic Engineering @ 3-35 of Matsuda-sensei
2nd period - A Trip to the Philippines @ 1-36 of Motoyama-sensei
3rd period - Genetic Engineering @3-46 of Matsuda-sensei
4th period - A Trip to the Philippines @1-45 of Motoyama-sensei

Day 351: October 18, 2022

Tuesday - Shosanbetsu x JHS Speech Contest

Today is the speech competition for the Junior High School students at Shosanbetsu Junior High School

Rumoi High School 10.18.22
Rumoi High School 10.18.22

Left Rumoi High School after the morning assembly.
Left Rumoi High School after the morning assembly. 

Before heading there, I first attended the morning meeting at Rumoi High School since the bus to Shosanbetsu is still 9:24. For this trip, I will be using my 2-day Moekko Free Ticket

I double-checked the information in the speech contest kit 

I arrived at the Shosanbetsu bus stop at around 11:20AM and was picked up by staff from the bus stop. Okumura-sensei my JTE from Haboro High School was already there when I arrived. A little after that, Sasaki-sensei my JTE from Embetsu Agricultural High School. We were welcomed by the Shosanbetsu Junior High School principal before being ushered to the library, which served as our deliberation room. 

The contestants of the Speech Contest
Congratulations to the winners of this year's speech contest

The speech competition started at 1PM and each student did their best. In the end, the students from Rumoi Junior High School and Kounan Junior High School brought home the awards. 

After the event, I rode with Okumura-sensei until Haboro High School where I caught the bus home officially ending the day. 

Day 352: October 19, 2022

Wednesday - Haboro

Haboro High School 10.19.22
Haboro High School 10.19.22

It's a cold wet morning. Today, I'm visiting Haboro High School. It is my 10th visit for the school year 2022-2023. For this trip, I will be using my 2-day Moekko Free Ticket

Here's my workload for today:

Class with Watanabe-sensei
Class with Watanabe-sensei

1st period - Space Elevator @ 2nd year of Kawakami-sensei
4th period - Philippine Seafood @ 3rd year of Okumura-sensei
5th period - Difference between the Philippines and Japan @ 1st year of Watanabe-sensei
6th period - Tongue Twisters @ 2nd year of Okumura-sensei

Day 353: October 20, 2022

Thursday - Embetsu

Embetsu Agricultural High School 10.20.2022
Embetsu Agricultural High School 10.20.2022

It's Thursday once again. today, I'll be heading to Embetsu Agricultural High School. It's my 19th visit for the school year 2022-2023. For this trip, I used my 2-day Moekko Free Ticket

Here's my workload for today:

Class with Sasaki-sensei
Class with Sasaki-sensei

2nd period - The Olympic @ 2nd year A of Sasaki-sensei
3rd period - The Olympic @ 2nd year B of Sasaki-sensei

Embetsu Agricultural High School Special Product Fair

After classes, I went to check the Special Product Fair of the students held in one of the rooms of the school. They were selling different products grown and harvested on the school grounds. I wanted to buy lamb meat which the school is known for but sadly they were sold out by the time the classes finished. Hopefully, next year, I will get to buy some. 

Day 354: October 21, 2022

Friday - Tomamae

Tomamae Commercial High School 10.21.22
Tomamae Commercial High School 10.21.22

TGIF! Today, I'll be heading to Tomamae Commercial High School. It's my 20th visit for the school year 2022-2023. For this trip, I will be using my 2-day Moekko Free Ticket.

Here's my workload for today:

Watched Mike's presentation during the 2nd and 3rd period
Watched Mike's presentation during the 2nd and 3rd period

2nd period - Mike's Halloween Presentation @ 1st year of Hasegawa-sensei
3rd period - Mike's Halloween Presentation @ 3rd year of Hasegawa-sensei

Waiting for the bus at Uehira Bus Stop
Waiting for the bus at Uehira Bus Stop

Before going home, I went to COOP for a quick grocery trip. I was able to buy several products at half their price. 

To sum it up, I had another productive week. I visited Rumoi High School, Embetsu Agricultural High School, and Tomamae Commercial High School. Aside from that, I also went to Shosanbetsu Junior High School for the Speech Contest.

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