Japan Diaries 4: Week 24

Week 24: April 11-15, 2022

Day 161: April 11, 2022

Monday - Rumoi

It's another start of the week. I would like to share that this is a very special day because my family will be flying to Japan today. However, due to quarantine restrictions, they will be quarantined in Osaka until Saturday. If they test negative, they will be allowed to fly to Sapporo where I'd meet them. 

Rumoi High School 4/11/2022

As for my work today, I'll be in Rumoi High School. It is my first time collaborating with Matsuda Sensei. Here's my workload today:

Intensive Reading with 3-4 Matsuda-sensei

4th period - Intensive Reading @3-4 of Matsuda-sensei.

Rumoi High School Club introduction and promotions event

During the 5th period, everyone went to the gym to watch the school club introduction activity.

Finally! My family is now in Japan.

That afternoon we had our English Club Activity. We talked about our plans for the club.

My family arrived at Kansai International Airport at around 8PM. Mr. Toshi and Ms. Taeko were there to welcome them to Japan. In a few days, we'll finally be reunited. 💕 You can read more about this in a special article.

Day 162: April 12, 2022

Tuesday - Rumoi

I biked going to Rumoi High School today. The skies were clear early today but turned foggy and wet at around noon. Because of this, I decided to move my plan to go to the Engan Bus Ticketing Office to another day. 

Rumoi High School 4/12/22

Here's my workload for today:

Inside one of Matsuda-sensei's classes

5th period - Greetings in the World @4-6 of Matsuda-sensei
6th period - Greetings in the World @3-5 of Matsuda-sensei

After the regular classes, I trained Mugi-chan for her Eiken test this coming July. 

That night, I headed to Asuka Coffee Shop for the biweekly Rumoi English Chat Club. Our topic for today is "venture". On my way home, it rained quite hard and since I came by bike, I had to stop at convenience stores plenty of times. 

My favorite hot cocoa from Asuka Coffee Shop

Overall, today was a fulfilling day. I got to see friends again plus I got to bike around the city at night for the first time after the long winter. 

Day 163: April 13, 2022

Wednesday - Rumoi

Rumoi High School 4/13/22

It's a beautiful morning, hence I biked to Rumoi High School again today. Since the 1st year students and teachers are out on a field trip to Fukugawa, I have lesser responsibilities. As a matter of fact, I didn't have any team-teaching activities today so I spent my day crafting lessons for my visit schools. 

Engan Bus Ticketing Office

During my lunch break, I biked to the Engan Bus Ticketing Office to buy tickets and reserve for my trip to Sapporo this weekend to finally see my family. I also filed for a nenkyu (paid leave) for Monday to help my family with their paperwork. Thankfully Sekiguchi san told me that she would accompany and help us apply for it and also enroll Ella in her school. 

I biked to C-Restaurant for Joshua's birthday celebration

Happy birthday Joshua!

Here's what I ordered.

That afternoon, I headed to C-Restaurant to join the celebration of Joshua's birthday with the members of the Rumoi English Chat Club. 

Day 164: April 14, 2022

Thursday - Embetsu

Arrived at Embetsu bus stop

Walking down the street going to Embetsu Agricultural High School

Embetsu Agricultural High School 4/14/22

Today is my first visit to Embetsu Agricultural High School for the school year 2022 - 2023. I used a Moekko Free Ticket for this trip. When I arrived, I found out that some of the teachers already transferred including my close friend Suda Sensei who is now assigned somewhere in Miyagi Prefecture. Regardless, it only means I have a chance to meet new people. 

Inside one of Sasaki-sensei's classes

Here's my workload for today:

1st period - Present Perfect Tense @ 2nd year advanced of Sasaki-sensei
3rd period - Present Perfect Tense @ 2nd year basic of Sasaki-sensei

Embetsu Shrine

Shohoji - Embetsu

Something washed ashore on Obira's coast. I'm not sure what this is.

I left school early to catch the 1:20PM bus to Rumoi City as there was a delivery coming. Since I'm a bit early for the bus, I did a bit of a side trip to visit Embetsu Shrine and Shohoji.

Welcome home!

I got home just in time when the delivery service arrived to deliver the luggage of my wife and daughter from Osaka. 

Day 165: April 15, 2022

Friday - Tomamae

TGIF! Today is my first visit to Tomamae Commercial High School for the school year 2022 - 2023. Today, Hasegawa-sensei picked me up early so that I could attend the morning announcement and introduce myself to the new teachers. 

Hasegawa-sensei picked me up from home. We went to Tomamae Town Hall to pick up Guy and Mike. 

However, before heading to the school, we also picked up Guy and Mike at Tomamae town proper. We parked at the parking area of Tomamae Town Hall to wait for them. 

Tomamaeda Bear

Kudosandairin Temple

Since they were not there yet when we arrived, I took the liberty of checking out and taking pictures of Tomamae's famed Tomamaeda Bear and the nearby Kudosandairin Temple

Tomamae Commercial High School 4/15/22

When Guy and Mike arrived, we continued on to Tomamae Commercial High School. Upon arrival, the first thing that we did was meet the new Kouchou-sensei (Principal). We then joined the morning announcements and introduced ourselves to the faculty. 

Here's my workload for today:

Inside Hasegawa-sensei's 1st year class

2nd period - ALT Jiko Shokai @ 1st year Part 1 of Hasegawa-sensei
3rd period - ALT Jiko Shokai @ 1st year Part 2 of Hasegawa-sensei

I left Tomamae Commercial High School with Guy and Mike after lunch so that I'd get to reach Rumoi before the 6:30PM Faculty Dinner at Chobisuke

Waiting for my bus back home at Uehira bus stop

It's my first time joining a faculty dinner party here in Japan. It was actually a special event as the new teachers, including me, were welcomed by our seniors. Aside from that we also got to know each other informally and coupled with good food and fine drinks, the day was really something an ALT would want to experience. 


My first faculty nomikai with the teachers of Rumoi High School

Chobisuke dinner course

After the faculty dinner, I was invited to a second party (videoke and beer) but I politely declined as I needed to wake up very early tomorrow for my trip to Sapporo to finally meet my family. 

Overall, this week is not yet over as tomorrow is a big day for me and my family as we will finally be reunited after almost half a year away from each other. 

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