Arashiyama Bamboo Grove Revisited 2019 - Kyoto

It was only last 2018 when my wife, daughter, and I visited the world-famous Arashiyama Bamboo Grove. Back then, we were accompanied by our friend Gil who gave us tips on when to visit and what to try out in and around this famous tourist destination. Those tips proved to be quite useful when we revisited Arashiyama Bamboo Grove again last December 2019.

Arashiyama Bamboo Grove

Arashiyama Bamboo Grove Details

For those who don't know, Arashiyama Bamboo Grove is located at Ukyo-ku Sagano, Kyoto City in Kyoto Prefecture. This place is popularly known for the scenic pathway that cuts in the bamboo forest of northeastern Kyoto. These 10-20 foot tall bamboo plants provide visitors with an amazing backdrop that is perfect for #travelgoals posts in one's social media accounts. However, visiting this place is not a simple walk in the park as this place is flocked by hundreds of visitors every day so getting that perfect solo picture surely is a challenge. 

Arashiyama Bamboo Grove Map

To Path of Bamboo

Speaking of crowds, our friend said that the best time to visit Arashiyama Bamboo Grove is during the weekdays around late afternoons. However, this does not assure you that there would be zero tourists around but on the other hand, it gives you a higher chance of sharing your space with only a handful of people. This we have proven during our 2018 Japan trip. Hence, the great photos which you can see HERE

The crowd in the Path of Bamboo

The crowds are finally thinning

We tried to do this again during the 2nd day of our 2019 Japan trip but was shocked to discover that there was the usual large crowd exploring the area despite it being a weekday afternoon. Then it dawned on me that it was a Friday afternoon which many, including locals, consider as a "pre-weekend day" hence the crowd. Regardless, we tried to "delay" our visit to Arashiyama Bamboo Grove by exploring Tenryuji's Sogenchi Garden hoping that the crowd would be lesser when we arrive. 

Team Nicerio in Arashiyama Bamboo Grove

From the Sogenchi Garden, we exited via the back exit which brought us near Arashiyama Bamboo Grove. There were still dozens of local and foreign visitors taking photos of the beautiful bamboo grove. Although the sea of people was continuously moving, we were still having a hard time taking that "perfect" photo. Just as we were about to leave, my sister and brother noticed that the crowd seemed to have significantly lessened giving us the chance to take those Instagrammable photos that we desired. 


Now, for those planning here are some reminders to keep in mind when visiting Arashiyama Bamboo Grove:

1. Avoid visiting weekends and holidays as these are the busiest times. Head to the Arashiyama Bamboo Groves very early morning or late afternoon to get a higher chance of having the bamboo grove all for yourself. 

2. Don't set up tripods in the scenic path and be mindful of your selfie sticks as the scenic pathway has very limited space.
3. Never ever carve your name on any bamboo plant.

4. No smoking / vaping. Don't fart here as well. 

5. Bring your own trash with you back to your hotel.

6. You're not a samurai or ninja so please don't climb or cut the bamboo.

7. Never spit or stick your gum in any place.

8. Refrain from talking very loudly.

9. Be friendly to others. If you hate crowded areas and you are easily pissed that this place is not for you.

10. Enjoy! Arashiyama Bamboo Grove is best appreciated with your own eyes than from the viewfinder of your camera.

Arashiyama Bamboo Grove Admission Fee:

It costs nothing to enter and explore the famed Arashiyama Bamboo Grove area.

Arashiyama Bamboo Grove Opening Hours:

Arashiyama Bamboo Grove is open 24 hours.

Why visit Arashiyama Bamboo Grove?

Arashiyama Bamboo Grove remains to be one of the most famous places to visit if you're into nature and if your favorite color is green. However, avoid it at all costs if you hate crowds and noise. 

Getting to Arashiyama Bamboo Grove: 

From Kyoto Station walk to Kyoto Eki-mae bus stop and ride either bus #28, 72, or 77. Board down at Nonomiya bus stop. From there walk for about 450 meters to reach Arashiyama Bamboo Forest.  
Fare: 230 yen

Overall rating


  1. Interesting and informative post with great photos. Thank you for sharing

  2. That is so beautiful! definitely a perfect background for a photo.

  3. Wow, I never visited Bamboo grove.. Let me visit this place, after covid19 will be over!

  4. Great post! The pictures are beautiful and look amazing!

  5. Ohh this looks amazing! I Love bamboo and how pretty it is.

  6. Nice review of Arashiyama. I agree that you should go there very early to avoid the crowd. Cant wait to go back to Japan

    1. Same here Paolo. Praying for the vaccine fo CoVId19.

  7. When we went to Kyoto last December, we missed this place. I will surely visit this once we go back....

  8. I remember visiting this part of Arashiyama. It wasn't as beautiful as this as I went in the winter.

  9. This place looks so peaceful and perfect for a nature trip awesome photos!

  10. I've been here, too. It's beautiful although packed with tourists. However, it is possible to find quiet spots.

    1. Yup yup. However, the main pathway is always teeming with tourists. Sad.

  11. Arashiyama esp bamboo grove experience you shared was amazing. Will consider this place when in Japan

  12. Oh wow! What a beautiful place, and your shots are great! Seems like you've enjoyed your visit there! Thanks for sharing your experience!

  13. I am laughing so hard right now!!!!!! HAHAHAHA! 😂

    1. I went in the afternoon and the Bamboo Grove was packed and it was July (ang sobrang init!). I should have gone early.
    3. I don't understand those that carve stuff on trees... "POLLY WAZZZ HEERREE!" We don't freakin' care!! LMAO!
    4.a. Finding a smoking area is kind of challenging. I don't smoke cigs. Juul lang. But the glassed booths for smoking, mostly it can be found near the stations. Badtrip!
    4.b. Don't... What? HAHAHA! 😂
    6. Oh damn... That ruined my plan!!

    The Arashiyama Bamboo Grove is truly a place unlike anywhere else. It’s a spot where you can escape yourself, as long as you manage to escape the throngs of tourists as well. LMAO!!

    And as always, fantastic photos! I get super envious whenever I see your shots! 😀

    1. I'm happy that you appreciated the little humor I injected there. Hahaha
      It's always great hearing from you my friend.
      Safe travels.

  14. Lovely photo and great information. It was nice reading this pos

  15. I am missing Japan even more! These bamboo reminds me that we can all surpass any challenge when we stick together.

    1. That's an awesome way to look at bamboos. Please do visit Arashiyama soon.

  16. This looks some beautiful and peaceful, I can't wait to travel again and plan trips to amazing places like this.

    1. Cool. I do hope you come visit Arashiyama Bamboo grove when you're in Kyoto.

    2. I really miss travelling and I miss it even more when I see such beautiful places.


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