Japan Diaries: Day 25

Day 25 January 12, 2015

Sledding on Mt. Kongo

Good morning Japan! Fresh from our trip to Hyogo Prefecture yesterday. Mr. Toshi informed us that we will have another trip today. This time we're going on a mountain in Osaka Prefecture.

This mountain is Mt. Kongo, Osaka's highest peak. This would be my third mountain in Japan. (Here's a quick recap) My first was Ameyama which is also in Osaka Prefecture followed by Mt. Koya or Koyasan which is found in Wakayama Prefecture.

Off to Kongosan!

Wide parking space at the foot of Mt. Kongo

Like most of our trips, Mr. Toshi and his family drove us to our destination. Upon reaching the parking lot at the foot of the mountain, we walked several meters up to the Kongosan Ropeway. From there we rode the ropeway (another first for me) going to the station situated near the peak of Mt. Kongo.

The Kongosan Ropeway

Getting ready to ride a ropeway

So what did we see on Mt. Kongo you might ask? Aside from the ropeway, you would also see a temple shrine and a museum. There is also a hotel (with a restaurant and souvenir store in it) near the ropeway station. 

Ella getting the feel of sledding for the first time

Daddy and Ella bonding moments

Since we visited Mt. Kongo during winter, the mountain was mostly covered with snow. There were areas that were ideal for sledding. My wife, daughter, Mr. Toshi's grandson, and I didn't miss the chance of sledding of course. I consider this day as one of the highlights of our Japan trip because not only did I get a chance to ride a ropeway for the first time, I also got to experience how to sled for the first time too (thank you Japan for the countless firsts!).

Rinku Gate Tower Building

A view from the 54th floor of Rinku Gate Tower Building

Enjoying our last night with Mr. Toshi's family

Yum! ごちそうさまでした

After enjoying what Mt. Kongo has to offer, we drove back to Kameyama Residence to pick up Mr. Toshi's wife. Apparently, we will be treated to farewell dinner at Rinku Gate Tower Building (the second tallest building in Osaka) by Mr. Toshi's family. 

My daughter is enjoying her day too.

Our day didn't end there though, just before going back home, my wife and I requested if we could stop by at one of the nearby malls to buy pasalubong.

Overall, today was a bittersweet day. We did enjoy it a lot however it also marks our last full day with our Japanese family. Tears will surely flow tomorrow...

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  1. This place sounds amazing! I’ll have to add it to our bucket list

  2. Hey! I totally understand your feelings about Toshi's family. I think about my family in Turkey I always cry about after longer visits.

    I always wanted to visit Japan. It's cool you write down your memories from each day in Japan. The mountains must be awesome :)

    Btw. A friend of mine lived in Osaka and he enjoyed it much!

    1. Hi Ilona.

      You should visit Japan. =) The place is really... how do I say this... "magical". You'd surely make a lot of fond memories here.

      You're lucky you have a friend living there. =)

  3. Replies
    1. I'm excited to hear about your adventures in Japan.


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