Hiking Mt. Cayabu

Located at Barangay Cayabu, Tanay in the province of Rizal, Mt. Cayabu is one of the minor climbs of the province and is mostly partnered with the higher Mt. Maynuba.

Mt. Cayabu

Mt. Cayabu Details:

Mt. Cayabu stands 520 meters above sea level. According to our guide Ate Josephine, the mountain and the barangay got its name from "Ka Ambo" who was a well-known elder and founder of the barangay.

The registration area

Check out the different packages and prices

For those who are veterans in hiking or walking long distances, Mt. Cayabu is a fairly easy hike with a straightforward trail. From the registration area near Cayabu National High School, it will only take about 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours hike to reach its peak. 

Met our guide, we're ready to go!

Off to Mt. Cayabu

Heads up, there's a river crossing.

Here we go!

My cousins and I got to hike this mountain last July 2019 as part of the "Cayabu-Maynuba Loop". At some point, we kind of underestimated this minor hike due to the reviews that we read. Yes, it was a very easy hike but we did not take into consideration that it rained hard days prior to our ascent. We got bogged down by the now muddy trail and were pestered by mosquitos during the hike. We were also ill-equipped as some of the members of the party were wearing shorts which gave the mosquitos a chance to feast on their legs.

Careful of the mud... it eats slippers.

 Mt. Cayabu as seen from the open field

Continue on to Mt. Cayabu

The most challenging part of the hike was the steep 70-75 degree ascent and descent. Thankfully, these areas have guide ropes and bamboo handrails for support. However, some of these handrails were already broken adding to the already dangerous slippery trail. 

Unang Akyat

The muddy trail made this hike challenging

The panoramic view from the peak of Unang Akyat

The peak of Unang Akyat

Checking out the tibig fruit

The tibig fruit

The mountain is divided into two parts. The guides refer to it as the "unang akyat" and "ikalawang akyat". The "unang akyat "or "first climb" starts where the path to Mt. Maynuba and Mt. Cayabu diverges which is basically at the foot of Mt. Cayabu. From there, one has to ascent via the 75-degree slope to reach the "peak" of the "unang akyat" . This part has a clearing which has a nice view of the other nearby mountains. Don't be shocked if a monitor lizard suddenly passes by as this area has several fruit-bearing trees which the locals refer to as tibig. Its fruits are one of the main meals of the said lizards. 

Heading down for the final stretch to ikalawang akyat

Ikalawang Akyat

Almost there!

From there, one has to descent then ascend again on another steep slope. This part is what the locals call ikalawang akyat. However, this is actually the final ascent to the mountain's peak. Unlike the "peak" of the unang akyat, Mt. Cayabu's peak is densely covered by vegetation. You won't get any picturesque view from this place. What's more disappointing is the rusty water tank found here. As a consolation for reaching the peak, you can take a selfie or groupie with the tarp that tells you that you finally made it to the peak of Mt. Cayabu.  

Mt. Cayabu Summit reached!
Mt. Cayabu Summit reached!


Can you see the water tank?

From here, you can retrace your steps back to the jumpoff point or continue on to Mt. Maynuba (you can read more about this mountain by clicking the link).

Mt. Maynuba here we come!

Mt. Cayabu Itinerary:

4AM - Arrival at Barangay Cayabu
420 - Registration and then briefing with the assigned guide
430 - Final prep and start hike
5AM- "Unang Akyat" peak
530 - "Ikalawang Akyat" / Mt. Cayabu Peak
6AM - Photo ops then descent or continue on to Mt. Maynuba

Things to Keep in Mind:

- This place is mosquito-infested during the wet season
- Sporadic CP signal
- Muddy trail during the wet season
- Plenty of steep trails

Why hike Mt. Cayabu?

Overall, unless you've already hiked this mountain, I still suggest that you add this to your itinerary as it will still give you another peak to conquer and probably condition you on your hike to Mt. Maynuba. Aside from that, you'd still pay the same amount - "P100 pax registration fee and P500 guide fee" - whether you include this mountain or not to your package.

Keep in mind that there are plenty of Kamote bike riders to share the road with here.

Getting to Mt. Cayabu:

From Cubao, ride a jeep (P20-P25 pax) to Cogeo. From there, transfer to another jeep heading to Batangasan Junction (P45-50 pax). Upon boarding down at the junction, hop on a tricycle to Barangay Cayabu (P150 -200 / trike for 3 passengers). Tell the conductor to drop you off at the registration center for Mt. Cayabu and Mt. Maynuba. They know where it is. 

Overall Rating


  1. Mt Cayabu, love it i like to visit some day.

    1. Please do visit Mt. Cayabu Beti. You'd surely enjoy the hike.

  2. It is very nice that they have different packages that include stop overs to waterfalls and other nice places. It's strange how the summit of this mountain is covered by trees, it's quite a unique sight.

    1. That's the amazing part of this hike, the peak has plenty of cover to protect you from the heat of the sun, however, it covers the view from the top.

  3. wow looks like great fun adventure!! never been there but would like to go once!!

  4. This looks like a great time! The post is informative and I love the addition of "Things to keep in mind". It's always good to have some tips to go off of when going on a new adventure.

    1. Thanks for the positive feedback. =) I really appreciate it. =)

  5. Excellent account of your ascent. This is some beautiful imagery of what I am certain was a fulfilling journey. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you Simon. I hope my article motivated you to try hiking and visiting the Philippines.

  6. This is such a beautiful adventure that I would love to do. Your pictures are gorgeous.

  7. That’s beautiful! Looks like a great hike.

    1. It is truly a great hike Searcy. Come visit Mt. Cayabu. =)

  8. I love adventure. I bet you guys had much fun. Great article

    1. We did have so much fun. This one was an awesome adventure.

  9. Another great post about a mountain in the Philippines! I like how you can choose from an array of courses. And, is that fruit ediable?

    1. Thank you aisasami. Oh that fruit is edible... for monitor lizards though. Hahaha

  10. This places remind me of my home town. Looks like a great place to visit and explore.

    1. Oh yes it is an amazing place t o visit. You should come visit the Philippines Suanlian.

  11. Thaanks verry nice blog!

  12. There's a lot of beautiful mountains in Rizal and I will definitely add Mt. Cayabu on my list! Did you already hike in Mt.Daraitan?

    1. That's the next mountain that we're planning to hike. =)

  13. The views are very amazing. I really wanna do the same

    1. Please do come visit the Philippines. There are plenty of mountains here to visit.

  14. This seems like a great place to travel. I love reading these types of blogs because it opens my eyes to beautiful places. Thank you!

    1. That's amazing to hear. Thank you for visiting my blog. =) I really appreciate your message. =)

  15. I love reading travel posts because it allows me to learn about places I would have never thought to travel to. Thanks for sharing. Looks like a beautiful place

    1. Please do come visit the Philippines. =) It's better to see these beautiful places in person.

  16. What a great place to hike. Its so lush and I love the creek and narrow trails.

    1. Same here Jenn. You gotta Visit Mt. Cayabu next time. =)

  17. An amazing article by one of the amazing article writer in the world. I really love reading your blog its kinda great and it motivates me to live my life without worrying about others! Thank You so much you’re my true hero!


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