
First Filipino Family to Visit All 179 Municipalities of Hokkaido: A Memorable Adventure

Living in Hokkaido has its perks and challenges. However, for this article, when I say "challenge", I say it with enthusiasm. Why? Because we are taking on another "challenge". First Filipino Family to Visit All 179 Municipalities of Hokkaido: A Memorable Adventure In my last article, I shared our exciting adventure with the  #Hokkaido35Cities Challenge , where my family and I explored all 35 cities of Hokkaido . But why stop there? Inspired by the beauty and diversity of this region, we decided to take things to the next level with the  #Hokkaido179 Challenge . This ambitious goal involves visiting  all 179 municipalities  of Hokkaido, spanning cities, towns, and villages. The challenge follows the same rules as the previous one but with an expanded scope. Here’s what each visit entails: The Rules of the #Hokkaido179 Challenge: Physical Visit : Spend at least an hour exploring the municipality. Photographic Documentation : Take a photo of the following: The manhol...

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