Japan Diaries 2: Day 8
Day 8 May 24, 2018 Farewell Kyoto Greetings from Kyoto City! Today is our fifth and final day in Kyoto City. Today is also the only day that I had no itineraries to follow. Well, there is a reason behind it... Last night, my wife and I discussed the possibility of spending half-day touring other parts of Kyoto City but that involves the dilemma of where to leave our belongings. First, we contemplated asking our friend Gil if it's OK to bring our stuff to her house and leave it there for half a day. Our other option was to ask permission from our Air BnB host to leave our stuff in the house for half a day so that we could go around Kyoto one last time. We decided to push through with the plan to go to Gil's place. Farewell to our room, it was an awesome 5 days A very memorable place Until next time! Thanks to our kind hosts. Well, there are some plans that are not meant to be. We woke up a little past 9 which meant that we only had three hours to explore no